Greetings from the USA! Find out what we have been up to in the Philippines… and America!

Since our last post, it has been a mad dash to the finish line before departing the Philippines for the first time since 2019. We welcomed Pastor Tim and Sharon in Cebu, then a few days later, passed the baton and hopped on an airplane (ok, a few airplanes) to the USA. We were thankful to spend some time with Dodson’s before we left. They filled us in on many of the changes we’d face upon our reentry, and we caught them up on some of the changes in Cebu.

Travel went better than expected. We were prepared for the worst, but God helped us navigate the airports and all the COVID-related travel requirements. Last Friday night, we joined the Kindred and One Life groups for a junk food buffet and game night at the Blind Munchies. It was a great opportunity to catch up with people and participate in some friendly competition. We also joined Saturday morning’s Coffee Talk in the coffeehouse, which is something we’ve both heard much about and are thankful we got to be a part of one.

Laura has been volunteering in the coffeehouse and taught a science lesson to the homeschool group. Brittany will be joining Street Level for a couple meetings and playing piano during worship. We’re excited to spend time with Believers Church Duluth this weekend, then Campus Church in River Falls in April. Thanks for welcoming us back with open arms… there’s nothing that can compare to fellowship with the body of Christ. Whoever said absence makes the heart grow fonder has obviously never been separated from the family of believers in a local church…

Philippines Ministry Continues
The work of the Kingdom never takes a hiatus… thanks to technology, Laura has been able to schedule pre-recorded lessons that premiere online during regular class times for students in Cebu. She has also been in communication with the staff of the schools she works with. Britt has been keeping in touch with the Street Level students and joined last week’s meeting via Google Meet. Tim and Sharon have been continuing the ministry, rebuilding relationships with churches, and forming new contacts. God is good. We’re thankful that we get to continue to be a part of the action – even from the other side of the world.

Please be in prayer for Dodsons as they seek to finish strong on their trip. Please also pray for the ministry that is continuing there while we are away. Just goes to show God doesn’t need us… but we are the richer for being used by Him.