Month: June 2021

June 28, 2021 The Homeschool Ministry

The Homeschool Group has been active over the past few months. We’ve done various sports, lessons and even some team building challenges to help develop skills in a group setting. For instance, many of the activities are geared towards learning to work together to accomplish or create something.

In April, we were able to take our first field trip of 2021. We spent the day at Irvine Park and Zoo, hanging out with the animals and hiking on the trails.

In May, we had the opportunity to get two different lessons in! Justin taught us some drumming skills, which turned out to be the ultimate challenge in teamwork! In addition, we are also able to connect with Laura for a Creation Science lesson.

Now that summer has arrived, we’ve taken a break from our weekly “Schoolwork Time” and have taken on Team Building Challenges. The kids work together to construct various towers and other such things out of spaghetti and mini marshmallows, paperclips and straws, plasticware and Post-it Notes. Sometimes, it gets a little challenging, but the kids all seem to be having fun. In the future, we will be working on parachutes, bridges, catapults, and boats!

As for our fitness time every week, we’ve worked on endurance jogging, track and field events and, most recently, soccer over the past months.

And lastly, it’s always fun to prank your kids on hot days by having them smile nicely for a group picture and then sneak up from behind with cold water!

June 25, 2021 Shofar Missions Cebu

Read the latest updates from the mission field in Cebu, Philippines.

Domestic Mission Trip

At the end of May, we took a 3-day trip across the island to Toledo and Balamban. KC, one of the SLM members, came and assisted. We updated programming at both Shofar TV stations hung banners to promote the channels. We also caught up with a few pastors and distributed the latest Shofar newsletter. On the second day of the trip, we held a coffee giveaway for college students at Knockbucks Café. A few of the SLM members were able to help at the booth, and we met quite a few students. We also hit the streets with WOTS magazines and posters. At the end of the day, we regrouped at Yummio and caught up with the owner there. He has been a main contact with a couple of schools in the area, so we left Exploring Creation Science proposals with him to pass along to the administration. On the way back to the city, we journeyed through Cantabaco, visited Spring Park, and stopped at Southern Bethany. The trips out of the city are always a breath of fresh air (literally) and good for maintaining relationships and forming new ones.  

Street Level Ministries

At the beginning of June, we started a new series called “FOCUS.” The summer can be a time that students “check out” so we thought it best to give it all we’ve got and encourage students to focus on what matters. Every week, we define key terms that every disciple needs to know. Check out the video promo to see all the terms we’ll cover this summer:

In addition to weekly bible discussions, SLM members continue to serve in WOTS and SLR. Final drafts have been submitted for Issue 87, so now we’re moving on to layout. Check out the video below to hear Fred read his Bisaya poem for the next issue. Last Saturday, we had a brainstorming meeting with Ruby, our only SLR DJ, to pray for the station and discuss ways we can keep serving remotely. On July 3, we are planning an in-person member meeting in Cantabaco. Since we’re still meeting virtually, we’re really looking forward to meeting in-person for a few hours on a Saturday.

Exploring Creation Science

In June, students in grades 4-6 and 7-12 got to learn all about forensic science and DNA during a 4-week series special. Students were able to look at fingerprints and learn how to do the experiments at home. How can one deny the existence of a creator when you look at how unique every person’s fingerprint is? Lessons will continue as schools keep teaching throughout the summer. Since lessons are online, it makes it easily accessible for students to keep learning. Schools will resume at different times (either July or August), so new Explore booklets will be developed and ready to go for the new semester next month.

Life & Other Things

We thank God for the opportunities to fellowship with people in-person. Although things are still pretty restricted, we’ve been able to attend Sunday services at local churches that we have relationships with. We’ve also been invited to attend one church’s young adults fellowship and are starting to form new friendships. We’ve also grilled out with neighbors and had a few visitors to the office. Zoom and Google Meet calls are still the bulk of our communication with people, so we snatch up any chance we can to be in-person!

Prayer Requests

  • Vision and wisdom for ministry as things continue online
  • True discipleship and gospel clarity among the SLM students
  • Continued relationships with schools and development of lessons for the upcoming year
  • For Filipinos to get vaccinated and for the country to open up to foreign tourists
  • Our upcoming trip to Cantabaco on July 3 – safety, for all the SLM members to attend, and for good fellowship
June 19, 2021 River Falls Ministry

We have been trying new ways to reach out to the community this summer. Every Thursday evening the coffeehouse is setting up the kiosk in Veterans Park during “Music in the Park”. Some of us also did an ice cream giveaway at one of the trailheads this last Saturday. In addition, Burning Dog Radio joined us for a local poster bomb.

Street Level Ministries

This is the first summer we are meeting in person for Street Level in River Falls. We have been doing a number of grill-outs and Bible Studies outside in various spots around town. There have even been some new students joining us for it!

We put together a short video to show you some of what we have been doing. Have fun watching it here!

Prayer Requests

  • That we are effectively meeting people in the community through our various outreaches.
  • That we can see true discipleship in the lives of people coming to our various studies.

Further Information

We have been trying new ways to reach out to the community this summer. Every Thursday evening the coffeehouse is setting up the kiosk in Veterans Park during “Music in the Park”. Some of us also did an ice cream giveaway at one of the trailheads this last Saturday. In addition, the Radio joined us for a local poster bomb.

This is the first summer we are meeting in person for Street Level in River Falls. We have been doing a number of grill-outs and Bible Studies outside in various spots around town. There have even been some new students joining us for it!

June 15, 2021 Believers Church Duluth

The human heart is extremely fickle, especially when it comes to weather. We Duluthians beg and plead and hope all year round for Summer to come, and boy did it ever. The first few days of June saw 90 degrees and those who complain when it is too cold can now be heard complaining that it’s too hot. Typical.

Soaking in the Sun

The nice weather has allowed us to get to work on a variety of outdoor missions. The covenant community camped overnight, and the following morning we cleared trees, put in a culvert, and built steps to the outhouse.

Also, Community Group brought the coffee trailer to the zoo for their Mother’s Day event. This is the second time we’ve been a vendor, and our relationship continues to build. They seem to like us and we like them. In addition, Community Group is systematically going door-to-door from one end of the city to the other with church fliers. They never know who is going to answer the door, or if they will at all, so it keeps them on their toes.

Street Level officially ended their semester and have continued to meet at the Garage for work nights and fellowship. A lot of changes are taking place on the property. We cleaned the Upper Room for visitors, and are preparing the rest of the property to be used for Street Level’s regular meetings, fellowship and events this coming fall.

Face to Face Fellowship

With the lifting of the mask mandate and social distancing, we can finally see each other’s faces and sit by one another at the same table for meals. It’s a subtle thing, but it has renewed our spirits and encouraged more authentic fellowship.

We’ve not only enjoyed seeing our own faces again but we have recently enjoyed visiting Believers’ Church Menomonie. We shut the doors of Duluth to come down on Memorial Day weekend. The cross-church fellowship takes on new meaning and significance after a year like 2020.

Prayer, Please

On Wednesdays we continue through Jeremiah and on Sundays we’re a few chapters into Romans. We are just beginning new men’s and women’s studies through Disciplines of a Godly Man and Disciplines of a Godly Woman respectively. Please pray that with all of this teaching we would both absorb and execute and not be “hearers only.”

Also, we would appreciate prayer for God to lead us individually and corporately this Summer to make the most of opportunities as they come—to take chances and be bold for His sake. Thank you for any and all prayer—we’ll do the same!


June 10, 2021 Pastor Jesse Moss

On May 6th, 1910 Hailey’s comet passed by the Earth. Never getting any closer than 13.9 million miles, it posed no real threat and yet many people were convinced the comet was responsible for the death of the king of England. One man, Camille Flammarion, caused mass hysteria around the world by convincing anyone that would listen that the comet’s tail was full of a gas that was going to “snuff out all life on planet Earth” as it passed by. (Spoiler alert: You and I are living proof that he was wrong.)

Despite the absurdity of Flammarion’s claims, many were convinced. A shepherd in Washington State was reported to have gone insane with worry about the comet. Churches found themselves packed with people preparing for the end. People were frantically packing all the nooks, crannies, and even keyholes in their homes in an attempt to keep the toxic gas out. Gas mask sales soared and a new market of “anti-comet pills” sprung up. One brand even promised “an elixir for escaping the wrath of the heavens”

Evidence of Belief

For good or bad our lives are shaped by what we believe. Your life will prove what you believe. These foolish individuals believed toxic fumes were headed their way. The only reasonable thing to do when convinced of that truth is to take whatever means necessary to be prepared for the impending doom. These people believed a lie and their life was evidence of it.

There can be no claim of belief if life remains unchanged by the truth claimed to be believed. Real belief necessitates real action. As the illustration goes, don’t claim to believe that I can walk a wheelbarrow on a tight rope if your unwilling to be sitting in the wheelbarrow. Over and over God says to believe in Him, trust him, and place our faith in Him. If a silly belief in a lie about a comet leads to such widespread observations, how much more so a belief in the truth and reality of God? Belief in such a weighty truth cannot help but be verified by the changes, and actions it causes.  

Look to the Examples

In Genesis 6:13 God told Noah of His plans to wipe out mankind and in verse 14 tells him to build a boat to escape the coming judgment. If Noah had claimed belief, but that belief had never led him to act he would have drowned like the rest of mankind, but he didn’t. God told Him the truth of what was to come, and Noah believed. He obeyed despite looking like an utter fool to the entire surrounding world for decades. He believed despite the decades of seemingly unrepaid hard work that lay ahead of him.   

Moses “believed God” so much so that he gave up his life of comfort and ease in Pharaoh’s house. His belief in God made him chose to have troubles along with God’s people rather than “enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.” His belief in God took him on a journey of difficulty and despair that he undoubtedly never would have undertaken if he wasn’t convinced. Moses believed God and his life proved it. (Hebrews 11:23-28)

Christian history is full of examples of people who believed God enough to risk their reputations, comfort, welfare, and even lives. At first glance, it might seem crazy that these people would endure all of what they have, but in reality, if they really believe what they say they believe, it would be crazy not to. This world is broken, and mankind is desperately lost in their sin. There is no hope apart from the truth of Christ. Our lives shouldn’t just exhibit this reality in little discreet ways. They should shout it in a way that is unmistakable and impossible to miss.

Not all Examples are Good

Some claim this belief, but their lives prove that to be untrue. Remember the nation of Israel after the exodus from Egypt came to a turning point. It was time to cross over into the land that God has promised them. They claimed to know God and believe in Him. They also “knew” the truth that God had promised this land to them. But the time had come where their life could verify said faith. Instead, they believed a lie and their wasted life spent wandering in the wilderness showed it. (Numbers 13-14)

What about You?

What does your life show that you have faith in. Is your life evidence of deep conviction and faith in the truth of scripture, the reality of sin, and power of Christ? Or instead is your life evidence that sin is no big deal, church is moderately important and the mission of Jesus deserves halfhearted devotion? What lies are you believing? If you find your life is failing to measure up to what you claim to believe You can choose now to instead trust the truth, and live in light of that reality.

June 7, 2021 JFB Books and Media

Do you know the secret of living?

In order to bear fruit, we must abide in Christ . . .

What is the secret of abiding? It is obeying; give God your will.

What is the secret of obeying? It is loving; give God your heart.

What is the secret of loving? It is knowing; give God your mind.

Christ gave His disciples complete instructions for living the abundant life. And He speaks to us today through His Word, saying: This life can be yours as well!

Look for the paperback in the lobby.

The Believers Bookstore is available to the public 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Friday. Also, look for the sign near the front door. Feel free to browse the shelves during the week.

Any questions? Contact: