Read the latest news update from the mission field in the Philippines.
One of the joys (and challenges!) of the mission field is learning a new culture and language. One of my favorite phrases over the past year has been, “padayon” which means “keep going” or “carry on.” Another way to say it is “dasig lang” which is a much deeper Bisaya version of the phrase. “Laban lang” is the Tagalog version, which is also frequently used in the Visayas. All of them essentially translate to “keep fighting.” Whichever phrase you pick, it sums up much of the Christian life. We are to be faithful, consistent, and stubborn enough to keep going, knowing that Jesus is right there leading us through it all. As Elisabeth Elliot often reminded herself, “do the next thing.” Can you relate?
Here’s a brief summary of how we’ve put “padayon” into practice:
Exploring Creation Science Teaching Lessons Online
Laura has continued to expand this ministry in very creative ways despite being unable to meet with students physically. Interactive creation science lessons are taught online using props, experiments, videos, and more. During the month of March, a special lesson was taught via Google Meet to the Believers Church Homeschool students. There was also a special set of chemistry lessons taught via Facebook Live, along with the regularly schedule lessons every Thursday and Friday. As the school year wraps up, it’s time to dream, scheme, and coordinate schedules with churches / schools to prep for summer lessons and next school year.
Street Level Ministries Reaching out to Universities
Universities still aren’t meeting in person, although most students have to go to campus to file paperwork, enroll, pay tuition, etc. Therefore, students are still spread throughout the region and doing their coursework remotely. This has made it challenging to meet new students and forced us to get pretty creative with reaching out. God allowed us to print 1,500 copies of the new issue of WOTS (the most we’ve ever printed!). We originally planned to include a copy in each student’s modules at UV, but the university’s plans changed, so we will be distributing at each of the 7 satellite campuses. God even provided a magazine rack for each campus (it’s not easy to find 7 of the same thing in this country).

We have a small group of current students and recent graduates that join us on Google Meet each Friday for a Bible discussion. At the end of February, we hosted a virtual BINGO night which we also broadcasted live on Street Level Radio. Students continue to volunteer remotely for WOTS and SLR, and we’ve been able to see a couple of them in person at the office.
Shofar Cable TV Broadcasting is Expanding!
We have some exciting news to share! At the end of the month, we will start broadcasting Shofar Cable TV on the west side of Cebu Island! Channel 46 on Toledo Cable TV will officially be “SHOFAR”! We thank God for answering our prayers to expand our broadcasting reach throughout the island. Now, the final frontiers are the deep south and far north. Please pray for a successful installation, for viewers, and kingdom fruit from this ministry!

Prayer Requests
- To end the school year well and to have vision for the upcoming summer / school year.
- For true discipleship and a heart to reach other students among the SLM students.
- For churches throughout the island to be able to meet safely and be vigilant about safety protocols.
- That God would open up the Philippines for a team (or two) to come to Cebu this year.
- Gospel-centered relationships and conversations with the people in our home and office communities that we see everyday.