As with many, 2020 brought joys and challenges to Street Level, looking back over the last year of Street Level as we move into 2021- I think we can truly say that it’s been a wild ride. The fall semester brought it’s own need for creative solutions, which we are learning from the pandemic (and it might be a good thing). We moved into the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse due to campus restrictions. We wondered if anyone new would still come with the change in venue, the approach and the restrictions, and they did!
Throughout the semester we have been holding an official on campus “meeting” which every Monday at 5pm the Student Leaders have been going through the book “Don’t Follow Your Heart” by Jon Bloom and then praying with the students who come week to week. Afterwards, they come over to the Blind Munchies to join the “Blind Munchies Bible Discussion” hosted by the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse. This allows the opportunity to still offer a free dinner and to get to know the students that come week to week.
Over the fall semester three students began serving in the radio and coffeehouse ministries and became official members of Street Level. With the new normal of video calls we were even able to join up with our sister branches in the Philippines and Superior as they joined our regular meeting and then even split off into small groups with us! River Falls also came and joined us for our last night of the semester in person.
New Year’s Day, A new tradition?
More recently we took a two week break from our regular meeting so we could enjoy a New Year’s Day Jeopardy hang out at the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse. We learned Street Level history (although some of our more tenured members couldn’t even answer some of the questions), drank coffee and enjoyed what seemed like a long time since we just hung out and were together in fellowship.
In early January, three of our Student leaders joined up with Superior and River Falls’ student leaders for a day retreat. Focusing on the topic of Disciple Making at the Street Level garage in Superior. It was pleasantly surprising how mild the temperatures were in the Great North, but it was an even better day of sharing what each campus has been learning since the start of the pandemic and how to continue the mission despite the circumstances.

What’s Next?
The last few weeks before the semester began again on Jan 25th, we hit pause from the normal course of materials on Monday nights to read blog articles and discuss as a large group with our Superior friends joining us virtually.
We are looking forward to what God is going to do with the next semester- crazy to think that we are nearly a year into the pandemic, but God’s been faithful and we have been ready to move accordingly to what he wants. Pray for new students, outreach opportunities to campus and also for those that are in our group to desire discipleship.