Whenever it is time to write an update of the ministry happening in and through JFB Duluth I am always surprised at what God has allowed us to do. This month is no exception. We have been busy and we have pushed hard. We have gotten a lot of work done, but there is a lot of work to do. I’m reminded of John 9:4 which tells us, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” There is a time coming where we will not have all of this ministry to do. But for now, we push on always seeking to be lead and empowered by the Spirit of God.
A Good Start
This semester started quick. We hit the ground running. Street Level Twin Ports doubled the number of campuses we are engaged with. We continue to have our weekly dinner and Bible studies. Beyond that, we have been having Sunday “Dinner in the Dorms” which has allowed us to meet several new students and get to spend more time with the students who regularly attend. A couple times this semester we participated in epic games of broomball complete with real sportscasters, camera crews, and long-lasting bruises. This turned out to be a great outreach in order to get to know some new people.
We sent a team of people to Kentucky to take part in a mission trip where God did great work in us, and in turn, worked through us in the lives of those that we interacted with. Coming up we will be inviting students with no plans for Easter to join us for Easter dinner. At LSC we have been regularly handing out free coffee to students and staff.
There is no question that we have got a lot done and been working hard. I have seen the members of Street Level being faithful to fulfill God’s calling of being a light to the world and reaching out to those around them. We have been inviting people to join us. We have been doing what we can to meet people and build relationships. And by all outward appearance, God has been blessing our efforts. He brings new students and has provided good discussion that is hopefully bearing the fruit that He desires. It has been a good start to the semester.
How are We Going to FInish?
This time of year; it would be tempting to relax, easy to rest on all the work that we have already accomplished. We could coast through the last of this semester and feel okay about ourselves. We might still be doing our Bible studies, still appearing to be active, but in reality be disengaged and checked out spiritually, mentally, and physically. That would be a grave mistake. That is not what God would have for us. We may have started strong, taken off at a sprint, but we must not lose our momentum now. Without a doubt God has been using us, He still has much for us to do. Keep running. Stay engaged and don’t lose heart.
Who is our Example?
If anyone had reason to slow down as the end came near it was Jesus. He had done a lot. He had healed the sick, raised the dead, given sight to the blind, physically and spiritually fed tens of thousands, and more. But He didn’t check out, in fact, I would say that Jesus did His greatest work right at the end of His life. We rejoice that he did not get near the end of His life and just slowly fade, slowly disengage from the ministry God had sent Him to do.
Let the same be true of us. Let us run the race that God has placed us in with endurance, keeping going to the bitter end. (Which does not come in May at the close of the semester) Don’t stop meeting people, don’t stop inviting people. Don’t stop putting yourself into positions where you can be greatly used by God. Let’s finish strong!